work project meeting in Villefontaine

1st picture: a good tradition for so many years already, a work project meeting in October, for planing our combined projects and events for the next year
2nd picture: affectionate reception through Patrick Nicole Williams, the mayor of Villefontaine
3rd picture: affectionate regards from Bitterfeld-Wolfen
4th/5th picture: collective visiting in the Hautecombe Abbey in Savoy, at the west coast of the Lac du Bourget in the commune Saint-Pierre-de-Curtille
6th picture: "toujours manger" "always eating" so typical for France - having a picknick together
7th/8th/9th picture: boat trip from Chanas through the Canal de Saviere into the Lac du Bourget - the biggest lake of France
10th/11th/12th picture: exchange of experience and creating concepts - goal of our meetings with our friends of France, Italy and Congo
13th picture: ..... Salute/Sante/Cheers - wishes to our friendship
14th picture: dancing with happiness and friends
15th picture: Olivier's show with his puppets
16th picture: Olivier and his "Guignol" are inspiring us over and over again and are holding up a mirror to us all


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